Vuse Cartridges/ePods

  • Vype ePen3 Kit

Vuse ePen3 Replaceable Cartridges (single pack/2 cartridges) (6 Pack/12 Cartridges)

Note: Vype has now become Vuse.

Note: Vuse cartridges only suited for Vuse ePen3 Device - Vuse ePods only suited for Vuse ePod Device

The Vuse cartridges & Vuse ePods are not interchangeable between the Vuse ePen3 'device' and Vype ePod 'Device'

ie: If you have an ePen3 device, Vype ePen3  choose cartridges.

If you have an ePod device,ePod_Herochoose ePods.

Cartridges and ePods come in various nicotine strengths and flavours.


Vype Wild Berries Cartridges

Vuse Wild Berries Cartridges 12mg

Vype Tropical Mango Cartridges

Vuse Tropical Mango Cartridges 12mg

Vype Original Strawberry Cartridges

Vuse Original Strawberry Cartridges 12mg

Vype Master Blend Cartridges

Vuse Master Blend Cartridges 18mg

Vype Infused Vanilla Cartridges

Vuse Infused Vanilla Cartridges 12mg

Vype Fresh Apple Cartridges

Vuse Fresh Apple Cartridges 12mg

Vype Crushed Mint Cartridges

Vuse Crushed Mint Cartridges 2 pk (6mg)

Vype ePen3

Vuse ePen3 Device Kit





Vuse ePods (single pack/2 cartridges)

Vuse Just Mango ePods

Very Berry ePod

Vuse Very Berry ePods

Vanilla Medley_18mg

Vanilla Medley_18mg

Peppermint Tobacco_12mg

Peppermint Tobacco_12mg

Just Mango_18mg

Just Mango_18mg

Golden Tobacco_18mg

Golden Tobacco_18mg

Garden Strawberry_18mg

Garden Strawberry_18mg

Creamy Mint_12mg

Creamy Mint_12mg

Vype ePod Champagne Gold Light On

Vuse ePod Device Kit